CSCW Schedule

Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday


Full-Day (2 units, 9:00-18:00)

  1. Collaboration Technology in Teams, Organizations, and Communities - Grudin & Poltrock (Beatty)
  2. Qualitative Data Analysis Tools - Neumann & Steele (McKenzie)
  3. Analyzing Social Interaction in Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Systems - Herring & Smith (Champain)

Morning (1 unit, 9:00-12:30)

  1. Hands-On Introduction to Synchronous Groupware - Dewan & Junuzovic (Frontenac)
  2. Collaboration for Fun - Pargman (Paliser)
  3. Fieldwork for Design - Randall & Rouncefield (Coleman)

Afternoon (1 unit, 14:30-18:00)

  1. Advanced Techniques in Real-time Collaborative System Design - Sun (Frontenac)
  2. Understanding Folksonomies: Technology and Trends in Collaborative Tagging - Lawley & Millen (Paliser)