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Conversation and Referential Communication
Wednesday, 9:00 - 10:30
Location: New Brunswick
Chair: Jeff Hancock
The Mystery of the Missing Referent: Objects, Procedures, and the Problem of the Instruction Follower
- Timothy Koschmann (Southern Illinois University)
- Curtis LeBaron (Brigham Young University)
- Charles Goodwin (UCLA)
- Paul Feltovich (Institute for Human and Machine Intelligence)
HomeNote: Supporting Situated Messaging in the Home
- Abigail Sellen (Microsoft Research)
- Richard Harper (Microsoft Research)
- Rachel Eardley (Microsoft Research)
- Shahram Izadi (Microsoft Research)
- Tim Regan (Microsoft Research)
- Alex Taylor (Microsoft Research)
- Ken Wood (Microsoft Research)
Where’s the "Party" in "Multi-Party"? Analyzing the Structure of Small-Group Sociable Talk
- Paul Aoki (Intel Research)
- Margaret Szymanski (PARC)
- Luke Plurkowski (PARC)
- James Thornton (PARC)
- Allison Woodruff (Intel Research)
- Weilie Yi (University of Rochester)