Call for Participation

Interactive Posters


  • June 23, 2006: Submissions due
  • August 15, 2006: Notification of acceptance
  • September 23, 2006: Final version due


CSCW 2006 will include an interactive poster category for late-breaking and preliminary results, smaller results not suitable for a full or short paper, innovative ideas not yet validated through user studies, early student research, and other research best presented in an interactive forum. The papers will be presented, in poster format, in a special Poster Session where researchers will interact directly with conference attendees. The posters will then remain up throughout the remainder of the conference. Accepted Interactive Poster abstracts will be published in the Conference Supplement that will be circulated to attendees at registration. Paper abstracts will not be incorporated into the main CSCW 2006 Conference Proceedings.

Interactive Poster Submission Requirements

Interactive Poster submissions should include an extended abstract no longer than 2 pages, including all figures and references. For papers whose posters will have an interactive or visual component that is not apparent from the abstract, submissions may also include a separate description of the poster, or demo, for review purposes, also limited to 2 pages. The submission must be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template.

Note that this is a blind review process: the submitted copy should have all authors' names and affiliations blanked out, and should avoid any obvious identifying features. While authors should leave citations to their own relevant work unanonymized, they should reference it in a way that doesn't readily identify them as the authors. For example use "Prior work by [ref]" instead of "In our prior work."

Interactive poster submissions should be e-mailed to the Interactive Poster Co-Chairs at All submissions must be received by the chairs by 5:00pm (17:00) Pacific Time on Friday, June 23, 2006. Submissions received after this date/time will not be considered. All submissions will be acknowledged by email.

All questions should be directed to

Interactive Poster Authoring Tips

The following tips may help you prepare a successful poster abstract:

  • State the contribution and originality of your work clearly and explicitly: What is the problem? How does your approach help? Why is it better than other available approaches?
  • Interactive posters may be chosen based on either the significance of the problem or the originality of your approach.
  • Focus on the contribution of your work rather than the background, including just enough background to make clear how your work differs from significant prior research.
  • Include the major graphical elements that will likely be used in the poster itself.

Poster Authoring Tips

For the poster itself, the Poster Example Gallery of acm posters ( includes a variety of successful poster designs. The books of Edward Tufte, available in most libraries, provide excellent guidance in the visual presentation of data.

Interactive Posters Co-Chairs

Karrie Karahalios, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Julie Rennecker, Case Western Reserve University, USA